For over 10 years now, our Change Manager product has been controlling and monitoring Domino Server configurations in some of the worlds largest Notes environments.
Using this tool means (for example) no unexplained Group changes in the Directory, changes to important elements like Server Configurations can be controlled, and the use of 'all-powerful' features - i.e. Full Access Administration - are logged.
The tool now includes 2 additional new features;
1. Server Availability Monitoring. This checks your Server availability every minute, alerting you when Servers go offline, then when they become available again. All downtime is logged, keeping an accurate record of server uptime.
2. Monitoring via SMTP. This allows you to monitor a server in a different environment altogether, using SMTP. This in turn allows Domino Consulting/Hosting companies to monitor their clients Domino environments remotely, reporting on changes and alerting possible breaches of security. The client gets the benefit of increased visibility & security, without needing to actually manage the service.
For more information, demos and downloads, please visit our Change Manager page.